Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Good vs. Great - Service, Sacrifice and Example - Treasures in Heaven

The difference between good and great is very subtle. And the world’s definitions of greatness vary. Let me explain some of the attributes of true greatness as I see it by sharing some examples. Think about these two great historical individuals from modern society, Mother Theresa and Ghandi. Both these individuals are considered great by most people who are familiar with their lives. Why? What sets them apart from other people? As I thought about this, I realized they are not considered great for what they did or accomplished per se, but for what they did for others and the examples they set. Neither held positions of formal power or authority nor sought for such recognition. The legacy they left was the impact they had on millions of people through their service, sacrifice and examples.

This kind of greatness is not the same as the greatness that may be achieved by an athlete that scores the most points or wins the most championships. That kind of greatness is based on what they accomplished largely for themselves. In a sense, it was for personal glory, satisfaction or even for money. Don't get me wrong, I respect great athletes, but that kind of greatness is not lasting and will eventually fade or even be forgotten. It is not the true greatness I am talking about or personally striving for.
Now think of the Savior, Jesus Christ, the greatest of all. The great sacrifice he made for each of us individually and all mankind, the infinite atonement. It is what the Savior did for each of us that defines His greatness. It was in His doing the will of the Father and not himself. It was His great example of a perfect life. Service, Sacrifice and Example!
True greatness does not fade with time. It is remembered and endures. It is an infinite atonement!
True greatness comes from sacrifice. It is achieved when one does something that merely good people choose not to do. The Savior said, not my will, but thine. To those who choose greatness it is not really a sacrifice to do so, it is simply choosing the right thing when faced with tough personal choices. It is submitting your own will and desires to a greater good, one that will benefit others. True greatness comes from consistency. It is being grounded in true principles and not wavering even when the wind seems to blow against you. It is achieved when you become a light and example to others, not because of your position or status in the world, but because of your character and the standard you have set for others.
I have come to the conclusion that the most important thing we can do in this life is to become more like the greatest of all, Jesus Christ. He is our example. We come to be more like Him when we follow his example and strive to develop the same attributes He possessed and exhibited throughout His mortal ministry. These attributes of Christ are a key to achieving greatness in this life and they are the Treasures He spoke of when He admonished us to Lay Up Treasures in Heaven. Attributes like Charity, Kindness, Love, Service, Sacrifice, Faith, Hope, Diligence, Virtue and Humility are some of the Treasures we must acquire on earth and lay up in Heaven. These aspects of greatness are enduring and the only things (besides our eternal families) we can personally take with us into the next life.

For our missionaries:
The difference between being a good missionary and a great missionary may be found in your attitude and motivation. Your desire to serve, your willingness to sacrifice and what kind of example you set will certainly define what kind of missionary you become and how you will be remembered when you complete your mission. That will be your legacy. Are you here to score a lot of points or compete with others? Or are you here to serve the Lord and help others come unto Christ through your service, sacrifice and example. Are you here to do your will or out of obligation to fulfill your duty or someone else’s expectations? Or are you here to do the will of the Father because you love Him and your fellowman? You can follow the program and go through the motions and be a good missionary. Or you can be great missionaries by doing the will of the Father in all things, as did the Savior.

Through our service, sacrifice, and example we will help people come unto Christ. Each of you has the potential to influence the lives of hundreds, even thousands, of people through your work as a missionary. We help people come unto Christ by inviting them to make and keep commitments. As we teach true doctrine, testify and show a good example, people will begin to have faith in Christ and the courage to keep commitments and obey the commandments. These commitments prepare people to make and keep covenants. The first covenant people need to make to prepare to return to our Father in Heaven is done through the ordinance of baptism. Be bold in your efforts to invite people to change and keep commitments. It is how they repent and come unto Christ. It is how you will play a role in helping them come unto Christ. It is how you will influence the lives of people as a missionary and how you will become a Great Missionary. Don't settle for good, when you have the potential to be great.

President and Sister McIntyre

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